Insights for the Healthiest YOU

How to Lose Weight and Keep it Off - Even After Menopause!

How to Lose Weight and Keep it Off - Even After Menopause!

You’re in your 40’s and you notice a certain change in your waistline, while your clothes stubbornly refuse to contain your thighs, buttocks, and breasts. Is this a secret rebellion of your clothes against you? No, dear, as much as you don’t want to hear that, it’s your body going through pre-menopause symptoms, deviously sneaking into your belly and other parts of your body.
12 Best Herbs and Natural Supplements to Treat Type 2 Diabetes

12 Best Herbs and Natural Supplements to Treat Type 2 Diabetes

High blood sugar, low insulin sensitivity, high blood pressure and cholesterol? You’re a sweet darling and you have diabetes. What can you do? There’s no secret anymore, doctors, nutritionists, scientists, researchers agree now that type 2 diabetes is reversible.

The best part is that you can find the solution right in your backyard and in health stores: herbs and natural supplements. 

Best Probiotics for Women's Health - When They Will Be Your New Best Friend

Best Probiotics for Women's Health - When They Will Be Your New Best Friend

Women in our modern world are confronted with loads of stress, unhealthy diet, lack of mineral, vitamins and active nutrients, insufficient sleep, and many health problems.

Problems with allergies, asthma, skin, weight gain, IBS, digestion, bloating, headaches, yeast infection? What does your gut tell you? You’re in need of probiotics!

10 Most Common Causes of Low Sex Drive and How to Boost Sex Drive

10 Most Common Causes of Low Sex Drive and How to Boost Sex Drive

Noticing that you are less and less in the mood for… sex. What happened? What are the causes? Thankfully, there are many natural methods to get your libido back and up!
Improve Your Sleep and Reduce Insomnia Naturally

Improve Your Sleep and Reduce Insomnia Naturally

Insomnia is a sleeping disorder, more common in women, which affects the quality and quantity of sleep. Here's how to diagnose and treat it using healthy lifestyle changes.
Natural Health Benefits of Palmetto For Prostate and Bladder

Natural Health Benefits of Palmetto For Prostate and Bladder

Are you a man that suffers from difficulties starting to urinate and emptying the bladder, dribbling of the urine, weak urinary flow or low sex dri...
Can Horny Goat Weed Naturally Boost Sex Drive?

Can Horny Goat Weed Naturally Boost Sex Drive?

The Horny Goat was first described 2,000 years ago in ancient classical Chinese medicinal text and it is used ever since. It is famous as a natural aphrodisiac, for enhancing sexual performance and libido, boosting testosterone in men, and treating sexual problems such as erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation.